On the Tips of Her Fingers centers around a protagonist named Adela, who leads a normal life in a countryside. Adela lives in a cozy cottage with her mother, who spins fantastical tales for her at night. A series of strange and dark events leads to her being gifted with special abilities that allow her to escape the world around her and help her cope with difficult feelings and emotions.
I wrote this book as an homage to the fantastical dark fiction I read as a young girl, cloaked in magic and faraway worlds. It is a nod to my roots; I was born in Slovakia and grew up listening to and reading fairytales that were inspired by nature and the world around me. Instead of high-rise buildings, you’ll read about cabins and grand castles cradled by dense woods, powdery snow, and pine trees.
As Adela travels from place to place, she uncovers the mysteries of her family and town, stumbling through each phase of discovery until the story comes to a close. Through her adventures, we meet friends and acquaintances, magical creatures and talking animals, villains and evil characters. Through it all, Adela begins to understand the impact of self-identity, of self-esteem, and of courage and determination.
My hope is that, in reading this book, you will discover and regain a little bit of magic in the everyday. My book can offer escapism, yet encourage readers to face difficult situations head-on. It will offer the magic of powers and abilities. That there is power in perseverance and courage. I want you to see this book as an escape from the world around you... to find joy in faraway worlds and magic within.